Welcome to the Imperial Gallery
Click on a figure and see where it takes you!
This picture is an imagemap. Clicking on certain parts of the picture will lead you
to different sections of the website. Scroll down to see details on these sections.


This is the Imperial Gallery, dedicated to customizing, collecting, and displaying Star Wars toys. Selecting from the following links will lead you to pictures of my collection, a trade list, and links for Star Wars collecting. There's quite a bit to see, so if you get lost, the stormtrooper at the bottom of each page will lead you back to this main page. And if you're in the frames version, don't forget about the navbar at the bottom. If you see a scrollbar at the right, that means there's more to be seen, so be sure to scroll on down and see everything.

What's New

- Check here for updates on this site. Last updated on 11-5-99.



View customized figures, vehicles, and accessories I've made.


- Select from full-blown dioramas to bookshelf displays.



Download backgrounds that can be used in dioramas or displays.


- Learn certain techniques with step-by-step guides and pictures.



Download Star Wars Fonts.


- See the work of some other customizers featured on this site.

Trade List

- See what I have for trade.



Check out my favorite Star Wars links, as well as awards this site has received.

Unmask the


Learn more about my past, present, and future. View my resume.


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All Star Wars Trademarks and images on this and subsequent pages are Copyright © and Restricted by Lucasfilm Ltd. and Hasbro, Inc. All other material is copyrighted by Erik Schroeder, 1997 - 2001.
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