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Bryan Stoyle
Medical Frigate Leia

Recipe and picture by Bryan Stoyle


At the end of The Empire Strikes Back, Leia Organa puts her white Princess gown on one last time for the Trilogy, but has a different hairstyle.

This Leia required a Princess Leia from A New Hope and a Princess Leia in Ceremonial Dress. I used the New Likeness Leia and Flashback head because I don't like the cloth and "realistic hair" of the Princess Leia Colection figures. The first and simplest thing to do is to cut the back braid off of the Ceremonial Leia's hair.

At the looks of it, it seems that I just swapped the heads, but it took a little bit more effort for this than just that. It turns out that the Ceremonial Leia head won't fit into the New Likeness body, so I had to boil out the arms and crack the torso! This marks the first figure of many that I used the torso cracking technique. Once the torso was in two, I placed the arms back in as well as the new head and glued the torso back up.

I did not give her a blaster because she did not use one in this scene.


This page last modified on 1/24/2007
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