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All Star Wars trademarks and images on this website are Copyright and Restricted by Lucasfilm Ltd and Hasbro, Inc. Original material is copyrighted by Erik Schroeder, 1997 - 2010. This is an unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with Lucasfilm Ltd or any of its licensees.


Stubbornly refusing to go away since 1997


FAQ: Getting Pictures of Your Figures

How can I get close-up pictures of my figures?

    I am no photographer, but I understand that if you want to use a traditional camera to get close-ups, you should use a Macro lens. Like I said, I’m no photographer. I’m a computer geek, so I use my scanner for close-ups.

How can I scan my figures?

    There are several ways to do this. The easiest is to just open the scanner, put the figure on the glass face-down, and close the scanner lid. It won’t hurt to turn the lights off when you do this, so no light shines in from the sides. Click here for an example. If you want a dark background for your figure, turn all lights off and don’t put the lid down. Click here for an example.

    If you want to create the illusion of your figure standing upright, use the inner box and base from a Cinema Scene. My personal favorite is the Death Star Escape Cinema Scene. Make sure the base is attached to the bottom of the box, and make sure the figure is firmly on the foot peg of the base. Then put the whole thing face-down on the scanner. Be ready to scan right away, because sometimes the figure will only stay on the peg for so long. Keep the lights off and the lid up. This is a great way to get side-shots of a figure. Click here and here for examples.


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This page last modified on 8/25/2006
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