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Stubbornly refusing to go away since 1997


Review: Magic of the Myth Exhibit


R2-D2 and C-3PO were just plain cool looking.


It was exciting to see an actual stormtrooper costume from the movies, even though this one was from Return of the Jedi (see Stormtrooper Armor Information and TK103's Homebase for more info on different stormtrooper armor types). I wonder if they could have found a better mannequin.


At first glance, this Tusken Raider didn't look too special. But after a moment I realized he didn't have any bandoleers or straps around his chest. Maybe he's the redneck Sandperson, who runs out of his trailer in his bathrobe to scare off trespassers.


The snowtrooper was interesting because I got to take a close look at the fabric used for the bodysuit. This picture doesn't show it very well, but the fabric was very "fuzzy" and actually had the look of felt.


The pose of this mannequin is just ridiculous. Definitely the funniest thing in the whole exhibit.

"You go, girl!"


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This page last modified on 8/25/2006
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