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All Star Wars trademarks and images on this website are Copyright and Restricted by Lucasfilm Ltd and Hasbro, Inc. Original material is copyrighted by Erik Schroeder, 1997 - 2010. This is an unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with Lucasfilm Ltd or any of its licensees.


Stubbornly refusing to go away since 1997


Bryan Stoyle

Recipe and picture by Bryan Stoyle


Going along on my very brief Jedi Academy custom surge, I made another character featured. This is Terpfen, a Mon Calamari who was an undercover Imperial spy against Admiral Ackbar. However, he does get his redemption. How? Read the books!

Terpfen is made from a vintage Admiral Ackbar. I chose not to use the new Ackbar for a couple of reasons. First of all, I didn't want him to look like an Ackbar clone. Secondly, his outfit is different thatn the current Ackbar's. It looks a bit more like a jumpsuit. And the third reason I chose the vintage Ackbar was that his right hand is actually capable of holding an accessory, whilie the new Ackbar, well, can't.

The old Ackbar was painted with a black suit with red leg stripes. His skin and eyes were also repainted to look different from both Ackbars. I also tried to engrave several scars into his head, but not all of them can be seen anymore.



This page last modified on 8/25/2006
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