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All Star Wars trademarks and images on this website are Copyright and Restricted by Lucasfilm Ltd and Hasbro, Inc. Original material is copyrighted by Erik Schroeder, 1997 - 2010. This is an unofficial fan site that is not affiliated with Lucasfilm Ltd or any of its licensees.


Stubbornly refusing to go away since 1997


Major Bren Derlin


A lot more work went into this figure than you would think. I started with the regular Luke Hoth figure, totally filing the "waffle pattern" on his chest and back. As part of this, I filed the rank insignia off his left breast pocket. There were also waffle pattern shoulderpads that had to be filed down. After viewing the ESB scene about 35 times, I filed the blaster holster off his right leg because I never saw one.

The rest was painting. The color scheme I chose was my best guess as based on the ESB footage. I think I came pretty close, but I welcome anyone who can prove that I'm off. For the record, I just painted the mustache straight onto Luke's face. And the dots on his rank plaque are red.



This page last modified on 8/25/2006
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