Episode I Script Latest Snippet by InfoDroid ... EXT. MOS ESPA - JUNK DEALER PLAZA - DAY The GROUP comes to a little plaza surrounded by several junk spaceship dealers. QUI-GON : We'll try one of the smaller dealers. They head for a little junk shop that has a huge pile of broken spaceships stacked up behind it. INT. WATTO'S JUNK SHOP - DAY The bell dings as QUI-GON, JAR JAR, PADME, and ARTOO enter the dingy junk shop and are greeted by WATTO who is humming the “cantina song” as they approach. WATTO : (subtitled) Booda da nolia. (Finally, some business.) Hi chuba da naga? (What can I do for ya?) QUI-GON : I need parts for a J-type 327 Nubian. WATTO : Ah yes, Nubian. We have lots of that. (subtitled) Peedenkel! Naba dee unko! (Boy! Get in here!) QUI-GON : My droid here has a readout of what I need. A disheveled boy, ANAKIN SKYWALKER, runs in from the junk yard. He is about nine years old, very dirty, and dressed in rags. WATTO raises a hand, and ANAKIN flinches. WATTO : (subtitled) Coona tee-tocky malia? (You get slower by the hour!) ANAKIN : (subtitled) Mel tassa cho-passa... (Then buy a different slave!) WATTO : (subtitled) Chut-Chut! Ganda doe wallya. (Shut up and watch the store!) Me dwana no bata. (Before I smack that smart mouth of yours!) (to Gui-Gon) Soooo, let me take- a thee out back. Maybe we'll find what you need. ARTOO and QUI-GON follow WATTO toward the junk yard, leaving JAR JAR with PADME and the young boy ANAKIN. Jar-Jar wanders off to look at junk. Cut “Don’t touch anything.” Cut Jar-Jar’s tongue. Keep the shot of him walking over and looking at the pit droid real quick, then cut back to Padme standing there uncomfortably. ANAKIN: (To Padme, taken from a later clip of him speaking Huttese to Sebulba, inserted into the wide shot.) (Subtitled: Has anyone ever told you, you have the face of an angel?) Padme turns to face him, rather surprised. PADME: What? ANAKIN: An angel. They’re the most beautiful creatures in the universe. PADME : You're a funny little boy. How do you know so much? ANAKIN: I listen to all the traders and star-pilots who come through here. PADME: How long have you been here? ANAKIN : Since I was very little. My Mom and I were sold to Gardulla the Hutt, but she lost us, betting on the Podraces. PADME : You're a slave? ANAKIN: All my life… (a beat) …and someday, I’m gonna fly away from this place. Cut to appropriate reaction shot of Padme listening. She’s intrigued by this boy. (NOTE: The exchanges between Anakin and Padme should be edited in a way where it sounds natural. We don’t need to see the actor say every line. We can cut to reaction shots, “listening” shots, etc. if necessary. Meanwhile, cut out all the Jar-Jar stuff.) EXT. WATTO'S JUNK YARD - BEHIND SHOP - DAY WATTO reads a small portable monitor he is holding. He stands before a hyperdrive. WATTO : ...a T-14 hyperdrive generator!! Thee in luck, I'm the only one hereabouts who has one...but thee might as well buy a new ship. It would be cheaper, I think...Saying of which, how's thee going to pay for all this? QUI-GON : I have 20,000 Republic dataries. WATTO : Republic credits?!? Republic credits are no good out here. I need something more real... QUI-GON : I don't have anything else. (raising his hand) But credits will do fine. WATTO : No they won'ta. QUI-GON, using his mind power, waves his hand again. QUI-GON : Credits will do fine. WATTO : No, they won'ta. What you think you're some kinda Jedi? Waving your hand around like that? I'm a Toydarian. Mind tricks don'ta work on me - only money. No money, no parts! No deal! And no one else has a T-14 hyperdrive, I promise you that. QG smiles politely, nods and walks back toward the shop. INT. WATTO'S JUNK SHOP - DAY ANAKIN : ...wouldn't have lasted long anyway if I weren't so good at building things. QUI-GON hurries into the shop, followed by ARTOO. (Cut Jar-Jar slapstick completely. QG walks past Anakin and Padme.) WATTO: (in background, from outside.) Hey! Come back when you have some money! QUI-GON : (cut this line and add it in a few seconds later, slightly overlapping what Anakin is saying.) We're leaving. Jar-Jar! (We hear Jar-Jar dropping stuff in the background but don’t see it.) PADME gives ANAKIN a loving look. PADME : I’m glad to have met you, Anakin. She follows Qui-Gon and Artoo out the door. ANAKIN : (Calling after her.) I was glad to meet you too! Jar-Jar is close behind. (Cut before JJ looks like an idiot, looking the wrong direction.) WATTO enters the shop, shaking his head. WATTO : (subtitled) Ootmians! Tinka me chasa hopoe ma booty na nolia? (Deadbeats! What were you telling that ugly little girl?) ANAKIN : (subtitled) La lova num botaffa. (Just that she’s going to marry me someday.) WATTO : (subtitled) Fweepa niaga. Tolpa da bunky dunko. (Yeah, keep dreaming, Boy. Back to work.) ANAKIN gets up and runs out the back. Mute the “Yippee!” WATTO turns his head and gazes outside with a concerned look on his his face as his little hummingbird wings flap in the background. WIPE TO: EXT. QUEEN’S SHIP – DESERT – DAY A couple of Naboo security guards mill around the ramp of the ship in a very quick establishing shot. INSIDE THE SHIP – COCKPIT OBI-WAN is talking to QUI-GON over a comlink. QUI-GON : (V.O.) …and you’re sure there’s nothing left on board. OBI-WAN : A few containers of supplies, the Queen's wardrobe, maybe. But, not enough for you to barter with. Not in the amount you're talking about. EXT. MOS ESPA - STREET - ALCOVE - DAY QUI-GON is talking on his com-link. QUI-GON : All right. I’m sure another solution will present itself. I'll check back later. QUI-GON puts his comlink away and starts out into the main street. JAR JAR grabs his arm. JAR JAR : (Subtitled) Look, I told you… If I don’t eat something soon I’ll go crazy! Can’t we buy some lunch? QUI-GON : Not likely. We have nothing of value, that's our problem. EXT. MOS ESPA - STREET - MARKET - DAY QUI-GON, PADME, JAR JAR, and ARTOO move out into the street. JAR JAR is walking behind the others. They walk by an outdoor cafe filled with a rough gang of aliens, one of which is especially ugly, SEBULBA, a spider- like creature. JAR JAR stops for a moment in front of a stall selling dead frogs hanging on a wire. He looks around to see if anyone is looking, then sticks out his tongue, and gets hold of one, pulling it into his mouth. The vendor suddenly appears. VENDOR : (subtitled with new, more threatening alien voice) Hey! Money first, Scumbag! JAR JAR opens his mouth in surprise. JAR JAR : (subtitled) Money? Uh... VENDOR : (subtitled, pointing angrily) Theif! Theif! Stop! CUT TO: SEBULBA jumping up from the table, leaping into the air. Cut from him leaping through the frame to him drop-kicking JAR JAR in mid-flight. (No frog flying through air and landing on Sebulba, we assume the frog falls out of JJ’s mouth when he gets kicked and Sebulba picks it up. No JJ trying to walk away whistling.) SEBULBA : (subtitled) Ni Chuba nye? (Plan on paying for this?) QUI-GON, walking away with PADME and ARTOO, notices JAR JAR is missing and looks back. SEBULBA : (cont’d off-screen, subtitled) I’ll show you what we do to theiving swamp hoppers around here… JAR JAR tries to duck from SEBULBA’S fist. Suddenly, ANAKIN SKYWALKER appears. The boy stands up to SEBULBA in a very self-assured way. ANAKIN : (subtitled) Chess ko, Sebulba… (Careful, Sebulba…) SEBULBA stops his assault on JAR JAR and turns to ANAKIN. ANAKIN: (subtitled) Cha porko ootman geesa. (This one's well connected.) Me teesa rodda co pana pee choppa chawa. (I'd hate to see you diced before the big race tomorrow.) SEBULBA : (subtitled) Neek me chowa, wermo. (Good thing you’re not entering this time, Slaveboy.) Mo killee ma klounkee. Una noto wo shag, me wompity du pom pom. (I’d make sure you ended up as a stain on the walls of Beggar’s Canyon.) SEBULBA turns away. ANAKIN : (subtitled) Eh, chee bana do mullee ra. (Yeah? Watto would have you fed to the rancors.) QUI-GON, PADME and ARTOO walk up to where they are. ANAKIN : Hi! QUI-GON : (looking concerned) Hi there. CUT to shot of JAR JAR feeling his neck, then cut to Qui-Gon helping him up. CUT and MUTE ANAKIN’s lines about “a puddle of orange goo” and “picked a fight with a Dug, an especially dangerous Dug, blah blah blah…” JAR JAR : (subtitled) I could’ve taken him if this kid didn’t jump in and try to play the hero. QUI-GON : Nevertheless, the boy is right...you’re heading into trouble. Thanks, my young friend. They start walking down the crowded street, past SEBULBA in the background. JAR JAR : (subtitled) But… But I’m still hungry! ... MORE LATER